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  • Clashes of cultures : essays in honour of Niels Steensgaard
    312 sider
    historie | handel | Danmark | Europa | Asien | handelskompagnier
    Erling Ladewig Petersen: From the World of Niels Steensgaard: Reflections on Recent Trends in World-Historgraphy. Francis Sejersted: Conflicting Cultural Symbols in a Technological Society. Geoffrey Parker: Phillip II, Paul Kennedy and the Revolt of the Netherlands 1572-76: a Case of Strategic Overstretch? Ole Feldbæk: Clash of Cultures in a Conglomerate State: Danes and Germans in 18th Century Denmark. Jens Chr. V. Johansen: Judicial Behaviour in Early Modern Denmark. Mogens Trolle Larsen: The Collapse of Civilizations: The Case of Mesopotamia. Peter Christensen: The Imperial Technology: Mesopotamian Irrigation in Perspective. Michael N. Pearson: The Search for the Similar: Early Contacts between Portuguese and Indians. Gustav Henningsen: The Diffusion of European Magic in Colonial America. Magnus Mörner: Clashes of Cultures: the Case of Ecuador. John Christensen: Take off your spectacles and follow the cross. K.N. Chaudhuri: Trade as a Cultural Phenomenon. Cheong Min-de and Wu Xiao-di: Trade in 18th Century Canton. Om Prakash: Trade in a Culturally Hostile Environment: Europeans in the Japan Trade, 1550-1700. Hans Pohl: The Hamburg Colony in Late Eighteenth Century Spain. Dietmar Rothermund: Town and Country in India. Palle Ove Christensen: International Consumption Patterns in Peasant Households. A Danish Eighteenth-century Example. Illa Steensgaard: Bibliography